A good workplace

You need your own workspace for your homework assignments and test preparation exercises. Ideally you have a work table for your own use in your own room. If this is not an option, it can also work this way:

Discuss with your parents where you can sit quietly for an hour every day to do your homework. It can be in the living room, the dining room or even in the kitchen. If at all possible, you should be able to sit at a real table of normal hight.

These three points are important:

  1. You must not be disturbed at your work table. Make a deal with your parents and siblings whereby they agree to not disturb you and not make any noise while you are working. You should be able to continue working in peace even though someone comes to visit.
  2. You should have adequate lighting in your work space, otherwise you may ruin your eyes. Make sure that there is a good lamp nearby for that purpose.
  3. If you do not have your own, fixed work place and you may work each day an hour at the kitchen or dining room table, then set-up a box to store and keep all of your work tools together. If you have your own table, then clean it up after working on it. Who would want to begin his/her work on a messy table?

Discuss with your parents and siblings exactly where you can work for one hour every day without being disturbed. If you want, set up a real contract for this purpose, have it signed by everyone and hang it somewhere where it is clearly visible!

Exercise 3

Arrange your workspace or your work box conveniently so that everything is ready for work to begin! Besides pencils, color pencils, pens, etc., also make sure you have a pencil sharpener and sufficient scrap paper! Also make sure your workspace has sufficient lighting. Add a stronger light bulb, if the place is too dark. Clean up your work space after working so that you don’t have to look for displaced things the following day!

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