How to find one’s way around in alphabetically organized books (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) is shown in learning technique M5, «Quickly locating something in a dictionary or encyclopedia».
However, many books are not organized alphabetically. Here are a few tips that can help in these situations.

Look through the table of contents

This applies most of all to non-fiction, factual texts. In the table of contents you can specifically search for something you want to know. Once it has been located, you only have to review the pertinent chapter and not the entire book!

Check if there is an index at the end of the book.

Many specialized books have an alphabetically organized index of key- words at the end of the text. That is where you can find without problems the passages and pages about a topic of interest. You must absolutey check if the book has such an index. This will save you a lot of time.

Read the spine text

Most books have a text on the back of the book with a short summary. This gives you a rough insight into what it is all about, without having to read the whole book. This is very practical.

Read the jacket blurb or the short description on the first or second inside page.

Most books contain a short summary on the inside fold of the cover jacket or on the first or second inside page. They often contain information about the author as well.
It is very important that you read these texts. They provide you with very good insights without much effort.

Read the introduction or the preface

Many books have a foreword or an introduction with a concise summary of what you can expect from this text. If a book has a preface or an introduction, it is worthwhile in any case to at least briefly skim through these pages. They provide you with good insights, so that you can make an informed decision about whether you really want to read this book.

And another tip:

The more you work with books, the faster you capture their essence. Therefore, go to the library time and again and check out books for yourself!

Table of Contents