Many things just have to be memorized (words, dates, etc.). The issue is often the need to completely understand something, however.
(Example: if you have to prepare for a test or a presentation or summarize a story.) The following tips will help you.

Make a reminder

What you just read is often quickly forgotten. You will learn much better if you summarize in your own words what you have read or learned. The following is an intensive method:

  1. Read thoroughly what you have to prepare. Mark everything that is important in the text.
  2. Write down the most important things that you have read and learned.
  3. Check if you have not forgotten anything. Perhaps you must supplement something.
  4. Re-read your paper thoroughly one more time. Now take a much smaller paper (1/4 sheet).
  5. Write on the small paper concisely and in small script the most important aspects of your theme. Check with your template if you have forgotten anything.
  6. Try to summarize in your head everything that is written on the little paper, then compare it with the template or the larger paper.

Create a learning poster

A learning poster is a large piece of paper (e. g. four A2 papers pasted together), on which you represent something that you have to memorize. (Example: parts of speech, difficult words, a graphic showing the structure of the earth, cities and rivers in your country.) Then hang the poster above your bed or somewhere else where you see it constantly.



  • Write the topic of the poster as the title in large letters on the poster (above or in the center).
  • Everything must be written in large letters and also be clearly visible from a distance.
  • Use colors, sketches and drawings.You can also paste pictures on it.
  • Hang the poster in a place where you can see it as often as possible.
  • Look at the poster every time you pass by it.

Telling the content to someone

When you need to comprehend, explain or summarize something: explain it to someone as accurately as possible!

It can be someone from your class or your family. If you don’t find anyone; no problem. Simply place your teddy bear or a picture of your favorite star in front of you and explain to him/her what you have learned in a detailed and precise manner, so that s/he will certainly understand!

If you formulate what you have learned in your own words, you will know quickly if you have truly understood it.


Try to explain or to summarize what you have learned also in your mother-tongue! This is an excellent exercise and helps you expand your vocabulary.

I am going to try out this tip immediately:


In trying out the tips, I have experienced the following:



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