The following training exercises combine different aspects of style with action-oriented intensive learning.


a) The instructor displays a picture. Each student receives 3–4 paper strips (A3 paper cut horizontally into 4–5 strips) and writes a sentence onto each strip about an aspect of the picture.

b) The strips of paper are then collected and thoroughly shuffled. The students separate into groups of three. Each group receives 9–12 strips. With these strips, they have to create a text about the picture. In doing so, they must work intensively on their writing style: cut out or replace repeated sentences and sentence beginnings and vocabulary. Text development will have to be considered very carefully. If needed, the group can obtain more blank strips of paper and add sentences so that their text turns out well.

c) After the strips are pasted together in their final order, the groups then present their texts to the class. They discuss all texts produced by the rest of the class.

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