The students are tasked to conduct interviews concerning a previously discussed topic, to document it in writing and to present it to the class. Possible topics include the memories of parents and grandparents of their childhood in their native country, an interview with someone of the same age in the country of origin concerning leisure time or perspectives of the future, an interview with people in the host country on the topic of racism, foreigners and integration. It is important to previously discuss and practice with the students how to conduct an interview: asking and formulating questions (not yes/no questions, rather open/probing questions: “Tell me about, …”, and to speak as little as possible as the interviewer. Also, explain how to document the answers, not copied word for word, but rather summarized, using key words. The interview may be recorded on tape or a hand-held device.

Appealing variant: conduct and document fictitious interviews with famous people in society and politics from the students‘ own culture.

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