The basic pattern is as follows: a template (story or factual text , etc.) will be related to the class (first the correct version) and then again with some of the details changed. The task of the listeners or readers is to determine what changes were made.


  • Oral preliminary exercise: the teacher reads a story twice. The second time around, some of the details are changed. The students must listen closely to determine and write down the inconsistencies in the story.
  • The students themselves write a re-narration of a well-known story as precisely as possible (or a text about a topic from the history and civilization of their country of origin, e. g. a personality, historical event, or a city). In this text, they purposely weave in 2–3 minor discrepancies. Finally, the texts are read out loud, and the other students must find the inconsistencies.
  • For other variations, see #18.3.

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