Recommendations for implementation
M11 (finding ideas, planning texts with clusters, mind maps and small pieces of paper):
All three techniques, but most of all clusters and mind maps should be discussed and applied by way of various concrete examples. For the cluster method, imagination and association-related topics are most suitable. The mind map leads from the beginning to a higher degree of structure, which has proven useful with specialized topics or presentations. It is also possible to first create a cluster for a topic and to continue developing it further in form of a mind map.
For the first, teacher-guided attempts with both methods, the students could also work in teams of two (using A3 paper). As with all learning techniques, these should be the subject of discussion in class, as well, particularly the students‘ experiences with them, and the context in which the new techniques can be applied.
M12 and M13
M12 (Planning and revising a text – step by step) and M13 (dealing with writing problems) are newly-created versions of the worksheets 1 and 2 from the didactic volume 1 of the series «Materials for heritage language teaching» («Promoting writing in the first language»). First, M12 should be addressed, then M13. Before distributing them (or the larger originals from volume 1), it is useful to conduct a discussion about the steps of planning a text and about writing problems. A writing topic should be selected for specific implementation of M12, and the illustration of individual steps related to it. This should absolutely be repeated 2-3 times. M13 (dealing with writing problems) can be distributed and discussed during or after the first writing projects are handed in.