- The students form groups of four.
- The instructor assigns to each group an article from human rights. As a variant, the students themselves decide which article they want to consider.
- Each group creates a poster of “their” human right. The poster includes the following elements:
- The title of the human right article chosen by the group.
- The corresponding text passage from the European Human Rights Convention or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- A picture (symbol, pictogram), which symbolizes that particular human right (e. g. a wheel for freedom of movement, a mouth or lips for freedom of expression and speech).
- For advanced classes: an anlysis of the structure of the chosen human right with regard to:
- The people who are entitled to this right and for whom this right is particularly important;
- Its content (what the right protects and guarantees, respectively);
- The means for its implementation and enforcement, respectively);
- Possibly examples of violations of this right.
- The students present their posters and a discussion about it to the class.