1. In your teacher education studies, you have arguably learned a lot about lesson planning. What is useful from that training for your work as HLT instructor, what do you find most lacking? What are the main difficulties in planning for HLT classes?

  1. Please review (alone or with a partner), section 11 A.2, “The steps and elements of planning at a glance”. Take notes and/or discuss: which of these steps are particularly challenging for you? Why?

  1. Exchange with one or two partners your experiences in lesson planning (from yearly planning or semester planning to the planning of individual lessons). What has proven successful in terms of an efficient and practical approach? Where do you still see optimization possibilities?

  1. Specifically, how do you approach the determination of learning goals and content? Discuss with each other and consider if and how you could optimize this important aspect.

  1. Specifically, how do you proceed with assessing learning success, what measures do you employ; what other possibilities could be used? (Please read the referenced passage once more.) Consider and discuss with others if and how this aspect could be optimized, particularly since in addition to the typical tests, other, more creative forms of learning control could be used for assessment.

  1. Please review the different planning grids which are presented in part A and B of this chapter. What is your opinion? Which one(s) of the grids could you try out yourselves; for which grids have you developed a better variant?

  1. Please read (alone or in a small group) through part B, paragraph B.2 “What three HLT teachers … would recommend to younger colleagues”. What would YOU recommend to younger colleagues; what are the key aspects for planning in your opinion?


Table of Contents