1. Please review the entire (challenging!) chapter about comprehensive language promotion one more time and note the three or four most important aspects or insights from your perspective. Discuss these points with colleagues, if possible.

  1. In chapter 8 B.1 you see the “language outlines”, drawn by two children from Austria. Have your classes also draw such language outlines and discuss them with the students.

  1. Review the sub-chapter 8 A.2 “Dimensions of linguistic competence” one more time. Find an example for all four competences (e. g. a situation in the classroom which requires the appropriate competence).

  1. Summarize one more time what you have read about BICS and CALP. Please find and discuss 2-3 situations which are specifically appropriate for BICS and CALP, respectively.

  1. Please review the chart with the quadrants once more. Find 1-2 particular situations or learning causes from your own teaching experience for each of the four quadrants!

  1. The described procedure with supporting tasks (scaffolding) in chapter 8 A.5a is current and important. Think about and discuss 2-3 specific events from your own teaching experience where you follow this specifically targeted approach! Optimally, you would devise a small plan that you could implement in the next few weeks. Exchange your experiences with a colleague.

  1. In chapter 8 A.5b (vocabulary learning) you will find an assignment from a continuing education event in Switzerland. Use the same assignment in terms of a currently hot topic in your classes! Make two or three word lists for different levels. Mark in red those words which you assign to your active vocabulary, and those of the passive vocabulary in blue.

  1. Review the planning examples in chapter 8 B.3, think about and discuss what would seem to be particularly useful and good to you, and what you don’t like so much and why.


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