1. Please review once more the subchapter 3 “Models of HLT in Europe” in part A. Consider and discuss: which model corresponds to the HLT situation in the country or the city where I currently reside and work?

  1. What do you consider positive on the HLT situation in the country where you currently live and work?

  1. What do you consider negative, unsatisfactory or worthy of improvement in light of the HLT situation in the country or the city where you currently reside and work? Please compile the most detailed list of points possible!

  1. Considering the measures to improve the individual points on your list: Who/which body would be responsible concerning the points raised? How could or should one proceed in order to inform the appropriate authorities and to motivate them for improvements?

  1. Many decisions and discussions of possibilities for improvement take place in superordinate political or governmental levels, where one lone teacher can barely exercise any influence. Nevertheless, please consider realistic channels and ways to maybe initiate something.

  1. Aside from problematic situations which can only be solved on superordinate levels, there are also frequently smaller issues, which you and your colleagues might be able to address or help solve. Consider two or three such minor “improvement situations” and specific possibilities of addressing them.

  1. The comparison with other countries can be exciting, as depicted in chapter 13 B. Please think about and discuss ways to find out more (electronically or personally) about the situations of your colleagues in other countries, and how you could perhaps initiate an exchange about it!


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