1. Please review the practice examples in chapter 12 B. Which ones could you implement in a similar (or reduced) manner in your own environment? What other ideas have occurred to you from those three presented projects?

  1. Please consider, discuss and plan at least two specific events, themes or projects, which you could implement in collaboration with the regular public school teachers in the next half year!

  1. Compile a list with the names, coordinates and a short profile of the most important people and institutions with whom you regularly interact in your professional environment!

  1. Please consider and take notes about the people and institutions with whom you would like to have closer contact or wish to have a more intensive cooperation. Think about and discuss possibilities of how this could be realized!

  1. Chapter 12 A.1 suggests with an illustrated example how to create a profile about yourself which you could give to the regular classroom instructors. Create such a profile of your own person!

  1. Think about your own framework conditions as HLT instructor, and take notes of the ones that you are either satisfied or less satisfied with, respectively. Consider the possibilities of whether and how to change the unsatisfactory aspects. Think about two or three concrete measures that you want to propose before the end of the school year or by the beginning of the next academic year!

  1. Consider and discuss the specifics of the educational system in your current work context (type of school, selection criteria, promotional programs in language and other areas, etc.). Where can you possibly obtain missing information (internet, colleagues, etc.)?

  1. Now consider and discuss the existing commonalities and differences relative to the educational system of your country of origin. Draft a comparison of the two educational systems with the central commonalities and differences. Which differences may result in difficulties for your students; which particular features of the host country may be an opportunity for your students?

  1. Read the country’s official curriculum in relation to the competence area school language or mankind and the environment. Consider and discuss if and how you could connect it with HLT!


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