1. Please consider how you proceed in the search for materials and what sources you use in the selection process! Exchange your source information and strategies with your colleagues.

  1. Please review the subchapter 4a–4d alone or in a small group. What experiences have you had with individual sources? Which ones could you utilize better? Think about 2–3 concrete ideas for the next few months. At least one idea/project should be related to point 4d.

  1. How do you proceed in archiving or collecting of your teaching materials? Review subchapter 2 once more and exchange your ideas and techniques of archiving and possibilities for improvement with your colleagues!

  1. Inclusion of students in the selection and preparation of teaching materials. 1) Have you included students already in choosing and preparing of relevant teaching materials? How? Exchange your observations and experiences with your colleagues!

  1. Inclusion of students in the selection and preparation of teaching materials. 2) Please read once more the subchapters 1 and 5 and review the examples in the practice section 10 B4. Consider and discuss three specific possibilities of how you will include students from different proficiency/group levels in the procurement or production of teaching materials in the next 3–4 months!

  1. Please look at a few links in the practice section, chapter 10 B1. What can they offer you? Do you use other links, either from the country of origin or the host country?

  1. Use of electronic media by the students (see subchapter 6): 1) Consider and discuss what you have already done in this regard, and where you might perhaps foresee problems. Discuss realistic solutions for these problems.

  1. Use of electronic media by the students: 2) Please read through the subchapters 6a–f. Review a few of the suggested websites or programs. Consider 3–4 specific ideas from the subchapters 6a–f that you could implement in the next 3–4 months.


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